Managed Privacy Canada, privacy reviews and assessments page.
Book your free 20-minute consultation to discuss a plan to better protect your customers and employees personal information

Privacy reviews and assessments

Privacy Risk Sweep

Conduct a high level risk sweep for privacy gaps, ethical issues and privacy concerns to boost business reputation and competitiveness.

Privacy Compliance Review

Partner with us on a privacy review program in alignment with privacy legislation and regulations applicable to your industry sector.

Privacy Impact Assessment

Commission your unique PIA report, gain critical visibility into privacy risks of your projects with a standardized assessment of your processes.

Privacy Engineering

Leverage the gold standard Privacy by Design, to craft effective controls that deliver protection of personal information for your customers.

Visual Data Inventory

Book your session with an MPC Privacy Advisor to build your PII data inventory and establish a language of protection across your organization.

Privacy Awareness Workshop

Critically important training on data protection for privacy compliance and employee education conveniently packaged in 60-90 minute sessions.

Program Maturity Assessment

Accelerated review of the privacy review posture of your organization with your own standardized Privacy Risk Score (PRC) trackable over time.

Privacy Policy Review

Professionally certified experts gauge your cookie use and determine your alignment with PIPEDA, CASL, GDPR, PPIPS and more!

Third Party Practices

Critically important training on data protection for privacy compliance and employee education conveniently packaged in 60-90 minute sessions.