What is a Privacy Impact Assessment? Why are they Important?

What is a Privacy Impact Assessment? Why are they Important?

As businesses increasingly rely on personal data, Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) become critical to ensuring privacy compliance. This blog post explores the importance of protecting personal information, the different types of personal data, the benefits and risks of personal data use, and the role of security assessments in a PIA.

Addressing Privacy Compliance: Mitigating Phishing Threats

Addressing Privacy Compliance: Mitigating Phishing Threats

Phishing poses significant risks to organizations, particularly in terms of privacy compliance. However, businesses can reduce their vulnerability to phishing by increasing employee awareness and conducting regular staff testing. This blog post explores three key steps in this process: establishing regular training sessions, implementing phishing simulations, and encouraging a culture of reporting and feedback. With these strategies, organizations can fortify their defenses against phishing and ensure privacy compliance.